Tuesday, February 26, 2008

SYNOPSIS : Parochially-Managed Trade and Commerce Into Global Spheres

Century 21 marks the advent of global think.

In 1520 Machiavelli completed The Art Of War . Canadian-born Economist John Kenneth Galbraith published The Nature Of Mass Poverty in 1979. Thomas Malthus spoke of the variable hazards of population and commercial health through his 1798 Essay On The Principle of Population.

WomenRiseforGlobalPeace of the Lakota Cante Tinza Hancokan Society {Midnight Strong Heart Society: originated by Tatanka Iyotaka / Sitting Bull} in 2004 received permission from Elders to bring forth again this organization in an effort to create an environment of healing for youth who live in the shadows of the Wounded Knee confrontations.

The 2003 Stanford Paper by Paul A. David; Stanford University & University of Oxford stated: "SUMMARY: The progress of scientific and technological knowledge is a cumulative process, one that depends in the long-run on the rapid and widespread disclosure of new findings, so that they may be rapidly discarded if unreliable, or confirmed and brought into fruitful conjunction with other bodies of reliable knowledge. “Open science” institutions provide an alternative to the intellectual property approach to dealing with difficult problems in the allocation of resources for the production and distribution of information. As a mode of generating reliable knowledge, “open science” depends upon a specific nonmarket reward system to solve a number of resource allocation problems that have their origins in the particular characteristics of information as an economic good. There are features of the collegiate reputational reward system -- conventionally associated with open science practice in the academy and public research institutes – that create conflicts been the ostensible norms of ‘cooperation’ and the incentives for non-cooperative, rivalrous behavior on the part of individuals and research units who race to establish “priority.” These sources of inefficiency notwithstanding, open science is properly regarded as uniquely well suited to the goal of maximising the rate of growth of the stock of reliable knowledge."

It is, therefore, through these introductory references, that we attempt here to examine the positive and negative options of the choices between Trade Relations and Treaty Negotiations that prevail when indigenous people and the occupation governments engage in establishing a resolve to eliminate the traces of allodial possession in favour of fee simple land titles property law.